EU-RUHR Dialogues

Dialogue with the EU Institutions

It is established practice to speak with one voice when representing the interests of the Ruhr Area towards the EU Institutions. Therefore, the Mayors, the Heads of the County Authorities and the Regional Director of the RVR regularly travel to Brussels. These delegations engage in political discussions and intensive dialogue. With these so called EU-RUHR Dialogues, the Ruhr Metropolis aims to showcase its potential as a role model for sustainable structural change and to address joint concerns. In this way, decisions in Brussels can better take into account local policy preferences.

Good to know

The Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) acts as a joint platform for its cities and counties. It prepares common position papers and organises the EU-RUHR Dialogues.


green and industrial transformation

Contribution to EU goals

Wasserstofftankstelle, Foto: RVR

Good prerequisites

The 6th EU-Ruhr Dialogue from 30 November to 1 December 2022 was dedicated to the Ruhr Metropolis’ contributions to the green and industrial transformation of Europe. The Municipal Council presented exemplary solutions from the region that support the implementation of the European Green Deal at the local level in order to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050.


Good prerequisites

Grünste Industrieregion Foto: RVR/Oberhäuser

Regional contributions to European goals

The Ruhr Area aims at becoming the world’s greenest industrial region – the municipalities and counties are working on the sustainable transformation of the region in many ways: by strengthening blue-green infrastructures, safeguarding a high level of biodiversity, with innovative hydrogen solutions for energy supply and a high quality of life through urban development and open spaces.

Enabling local actors

6. EU-Ruhr Dialog 2022 Foto: RVR / Dirk A. Friedrich

On-site players

There have been five thematic dialogues with representatives from the EU Commission and the European Parliament. During these discussions, the delegation conveyed, which structural policy conditions are needed for municipalities and counties to effectively shape the green transition at the local level.

Looking Back

One Format

After the first joint visit of the Mayors, the Heads of the County Authorities and the Regional Director of the RVR to Brussels, in January 2013, the EU-RUHR Dialogue quickly developed into a recurring format. Each EU-RUHR Dialogue focusses on a specific topic or is linked to a specific occasion. A general objective is to bring together local concerns, regional priorities and European initiatives.

Many Topics

The EU-RUHR Dialogue 2013 aimed at introducing the Ruhr Area in Brussels. In 2014, the second EU-RUHR Dialogue focused on "European perspectives for sustainable economic-, labour market- and social development in the Ruhr Metropolis". As part of the EU-RUHR Dialogue in 2016, the "Green Infrastructure Ruhr" was presented. During the fourth Dialogue, in October 2017, the "Future of Cohesion Policy" was discussed with the EU-Institutions. The EU-RUHR Dialogue 2020 (virtual format) was aimed at conveying the region's requirements for EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 to the EU-Commission. 

Download: Position Paper

EU-RUHR Dialogue 2016, photo: RVR / Dirk Friedrich
© RVR / Dirk Friedrich

Andrea Höber

Andrea Höber

Head of Department
Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 6362
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen

Victoria Krebber

Victoria Krebber

Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 248
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen