Interregional Cooperation

Stronger Together

The Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) closely cooperates with Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia (Metropolis GZM) in southern Poland. In August 2019, GZM and RVR signed a partnership agreement. A common history in coal mining gave impetus to the partnership. Today, the partners regularly implement joint projects and formats. In particular, the partnership focuses on developing new approaches to current economic and ecological developments. 

Good to Know

The Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) facilitates interregional cooperation. It aims to exchange knowledge, to initiate interregional projects and to find new solutions for common challenges. 

Current Topics

Festival „United by Bread“

Festival „United by Bread“, © RVR / Claudia Walter
© RVR / Claudia Walter

In June 2023, the festival “United by Bread – Salt and Herbs” took place in Katowice. RVR Ruhr Green represented the Ruhr Area and brought along a range of sustainable products. Particularly popular was their bread with traditional cereals, sourdough, and herbs from regional forests. Another highlight were workshops on the manufacturing of lip balm and marigold salve.

Metropolitan Challenges

RVR auf der EMA 2022, Foto: RVR/Victoria Krebber
© RVR / Victoria Krebber

How do metropolitan areas meet current challenges like resilience and sustainability? Which approaches do they develop, which positive experiences do they make? Upon GZM’s invitation, RVR Regional Director Karola Geiß-Netthöfel discussed these questions with other European metropolitan areas at the European Metropolitan Authorities’ (EMA) forum in Katowice in June 2022.

Sustainable Mobility

Animation RS1 in Essen, photo: Udo Geisler
© P3 Agentur / Total Real / Peter Obenaus

Which challenges are GZM and the Ruhr Metropolis facing with regard to regional mobility? What are similarities and good practice examples? Which pioneering projects do both regions work on? A digital exchange of experiences dealt with these questions in October 2021.

Digital Social Makerthon

Social Makerthon #Create Europe, photo: city2science GmbH
© city2science GmbH

How can a green, sustainable and participatory Europe be shaped? How can I contribute myself? These were the key questions that young people, aged 16 to 22, from the GZM and the Ruhr Area discussed with scientists and politicians in May 2021. This first digital makerthon was part of the Europe Week in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Still-Life on Motorway

Still-Life on Motorway A 40, photo: Udo Geisler
© Udo Geisler

How can an entire motorway be shut down for one day? What do you have to consider when organising such a large-scale project? How do you communicate with the local population? Based on the experiences of the Ruhr Metropolis during the European Capital of Culture "RUHR.2010", a digital expert discussion on the "Still-Life" project took place in May 2021.

Reuse of Post-Industrial Areas

Culture Zone Katowice, Photo: RVR / Michael Schwarze-Rodrian
© RVR / Michael Schwarze-Rodrian

Reuse of Post-Industrial Areas

How can a sustainable revitalisation of former industrial sites succeed? What new social and economic functions will bear fruit? These were the guiding questions of an online seminar in October 2020, in which MARK 51°7 in Bochum and the Culture Zone in Katowice, among others, were presented as best practice examples.

Andrea Höber

Andrea Höber

Head of Department
Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 6362
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen

Victoria Krebber

Victoria Krebber

Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 248
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen