Good Practice Ruhr
Regional Expertise
The Ruhrgebiet continues to drive structural change through innovation. Over the years, a broad range of expertise was accumulated. This made the Ruhr Area a frontrunner in many policy fields. Stakeholders from the Ruhr Area are committed to join forces with European and international partners to exchange good practice and develop new solutions for common problems.
Good to Know
The Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) helps to connect stakeholders from the Ruhrgebiet with partners in Europe and the world. In individual cases, the RVR also directly participates in projects and consortia.
Samples of Regional Good Practise
Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure is a key component of regional development in the Ruhr Area. It links urban green spaces, green corridors, extensive woodland and recreational infrastructure. The region currently develops a new strategy for green infrastructure. The strategy builds on existing assets like the regional greenbelts as well as large-scale projects, like the „landscape of mining heaps“ and the International Gardening Exhibition „IGA Metropole Ruhr 2027“. The RVR showcases its work also on the European and international level, for example, during the European Week of the Regions and Cities in 2020.
A Just Transition
Since the 1960's, the Ruhr Area shapes the processes of structural change. The goal is to ensure a just transition with a high level of social cohesion, economic growth and environmental sustainability. A good practice is for example the Mining Sites Contract, which led to a proactive multistakeholder process that coordinates the revitalisation of 20 coal-mining sites. To exchange experiences, the RVR actively participates in the EU's "Coal Regions in Transition Initiative".
Industrial Heritage
Due to its long history of coal mining and steel production, the Ruhr Area has a rich industrial heritage. The Industrial Heritage Trail with 27 anchor points, including the famous Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site in Essen, connects over 1 000 industrial heritage sites and is a major tourist attraction in North-Rhine Westphalia. It was founded by the RVR in 1999 and now forms an indispensable part of the distinct regional touristic profile. To facilitate exchange with other regions, the RVR has driven the establishment of the European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH).
Sustainable Mobility
Mobility is a key factor for urban development in the Ruhr Area. Hence, the RVR created a regional mobility concept covering all modes of transportation. A major mobility project is the RVR’s masterplan for a regional network of bicycle tracks. It covers more than 1400 km of scheduled bike lanes and cycle paths as well as a network of cycle highways. Cycle highway Ruhr RS1 is one of them. Spanning a distance of more than 100 km, RS1 will be connecting the central Ruhr corridor from east to west with 1.65 million people living in its immediate vicinity.
Hydrogen Valley
Green hydrogen is considered a strategic energy source for decarbonising the economy by 2050. Due to its strong industrial base, the Ruhr Area is firmly on its way to becoming a European hydrogen valley. This was confirmed by a study of the German Economic Institute in 2020. According to the study, the Ruhr Metropolis ranks first in Germany in industrial applications of hydrogen technologies.
Culture and Sports
Culture and sports form part of the Ruhr Areas DNA. They significantly contribute to the high living standard in the cities and counties. Regional cultural and sporting events help to further raise the Metropolis' profile. Good practice includes the Ruhr Triennial, a regional flagship event for culture and the arts, and the Ruhr Games, Europe's biggest youth sports festival.
Andrea Höber
Andrea Höber
Head of Department
Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 6362
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen
Victoria Krebber
Victoria Krebber
Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 248
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen
Christoph Sebald
Christoph Sebald
Department for European Affairs
+49 (0) 201 2069 350
Kronprinzenstr. 6 45128 Essen